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5 Holiday plants harmful to pets

With the Holidays around the corner many people are unaware of the harmful effects of certain plants with regards to our cats and dogs. Please note that this is not an extensive list and there are many other plants that can be harmful to your pets. If you suspect your pet has ingested a harmful plant, please consult a veterinarian immediately.

 Poinsettias: Popularity spikes around Christmas when these plants are gifted and used for decoration as they come in red, white or pink colors. When ingested symptoms could include vomiting, anorexia, and depression, however a large amount would need to be ingested in order for your cat or dog to experience symptoms. 

Mistletoe: Everyone knows what it means but a lesser known fact is that it can cause gastrointestinal upset, breathing problems, and weakness in your pets if ingested. Best to opt for the fake version!

Amaryllis: This plant blooms in the winter and can typically be found around Christmas, however in its natural state (in the ground) blooms during the summer. Coming in a variety of colors this can entice your dog or cat to consume it causing diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and tremors. 

Christmas Trees: The needles can cause irritation if they get stuck in your pets mouth or paws. Additionally, the tree oil found in the Christmas Fir can cause vomiting or excessive drooling. Some pets can also develop allergic reactions  or health problems due to lingering pesticides.

Tulips: This spring flower is most popular in the spring and comes in a wide range of colors including  purple, red, pink, yellow and white, each with their own meaning. They can cause vomiting, drooling, and diarrhea if ingested, however the highest concentration of poison is found in the bulb with as little as one teaspoon causing harmful damage.

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